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February 7, 2025
TIES Centre for Immigrant Research (CIR) is helping Calgarians “step into the stories” of newcomer 2SLGBTQIA + youth with its unique Voices in the Art Exhibition (VIA).
Each extraordinary piece tells a powerful and diverse story as participants explore their intersecting identities and personal experiences as part of a CIR community-research-based project.
Artwork includes journal entries, poetry, essay writings, clothing, sketches, scrapbooking, and paintings illustrating participants’ social lives, cultural practices, and experience with gender-based violence.
“We hope that this project will raise awareness of the struggles the 2SLGBTQIA + newcomer youth are experiencing,” CIR manager of research and program development Katerina Palova said.
“At the same time, we hope to provide them with a platform where they can express themselves and showcase their talents.”
The VIA exhibition is a partnership with the University of British Columbia (UBC).
“We know that being a newcomer to Canada can be both challenging and joyful. And we know that being a queer individual can be complex but also exciting,” added UBC principal investigator Anusha Kassan.
“We could not have done this without the artists at the centre of this.”
“Your artwork is amazing, and your stories have been so inspiring, and I just want to thank you all,” said TIES project associate Gurleen Matharu.
A total of 22 participants, aged 14 to 24, have submitted artwork so far, highlighting the need for a safe space for the artists.
“This piece captures my journey from South America to Canada, highlighting my family's influence, cultural background, and the excitement of new beginnings,” said one artist.
“It reflects my experiences as a queer newcomer, moving from a place where my identity was sometimes hidden to one where I can live authentically.”
"Each and every one of these probes was made with a little piece of myself in mind, from my happy and colourful way of seeing the world to the darkest, most shameful parts of my soul,” said another.
” My intention was to put everything into this project, lay it all on the table, show the world who I am and not be ashamed of it."
“I thank you so much for all of the artists for your participation,” added TIES CEO Sally Zhao. “We are so honoured to have the opportunity to share the art.”
The VIA, which kicked off on October 8, had a very successful official opening celebration on October 11 at its first stop at the University of Calgary (U of C) in the Little Gallery.
While it wrapped up its stay at the U of C on October 18, it will now move to Calgary City Hall and be open to the public from November 18 to the 22nd.
Recruitment is also underway for a third cohort in January 2025 and anyone from working artists to those with no art background are welcome to participate.
The VIA project received funding from Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) and was profiled on Global Calgary, CTV Calgary and CBC Radio.
TIES thanks everyone for their support.
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