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TIES Leads the Way in Legal Literacy Education

January 14, 2025


The Immigrant Education Society (TIES) has won the grand prize in the 2024 Field Law Community Fund Program coming in tops in Legal Literacy Education!

TIES was up against several worthy competitors and is ecstatic to have been crowned the winner, adding the judges were incredibly impressed with the proposal.

“This is an accomplishment, and it's a testament to our commitment to empowering the community,” Noha El Tanahi, Acting Manager, Settlement Services said.

“I want to take a moment to thank every one of you for your support.”

TIES strongly believes that legal literacy is crucial for everyone, especially for the clients it serves as they navigate the complexities of Canadian society.

“It paves the way for TIES to provide additional, vital services to newcomers, helping them learn about the legal system in Canadian society,” Suman Khanal, TIES Chief Programs Officer added.

“This is another meaningful service to add to our growing list.”

TIES Proposal:

The Legal Literacy Education project proposed by TIES aims to help enhance the legal knowledge of newcomers, immigrants, and refugees in Southern Alberta. This will lead to a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

To achieve this goal, a multifaceted approach with interactive legal activities, education and workshops will be adopted. The project will focus on basic legal concepts such as employment law, immigration law, and family law (focusing on domestic violence) and the legal consequences of common issues faced by these populations.

The project will also provide access to legal resources and professional lawyers. The ultimate goal is to enable clients to make informed legal decisions through strengthened legal literacy.

Legal professionals will conduct specialized sessions and workshops to provide in-depth knowledge of legal rights and responsibilities. The sessions will be recorded and available on the TIES E-learning platform to facilitate future needs, with the approval of the funder and the speakers.

The clients will learn how to successfully handle legal-related difficult situations with proper legal resource materials, and toolkits developed in the project including where to seek legal assistance or advice in their communities.

By providing legal literacy education support, the initiative aims to empower a minimum of 360 immigrants and provide them with opportunities to unleash their potential.


About the Field Law Community Fund Program:

The Field Law Community Fund Program has been ongoing for 12 years, awarding funds to support 167 individuals, organizations and charitable initiatives throughout Alberta and the Northwest Territories.

$80,000 was awarded in 2024, with a total donation of $915,000 to date.

You can check out the full list of winners and their projects here: 2024 Winners – Field Law Community Fund Program

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