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February 7, 2025
At the end of September, the YYC Next group in the CGI Calgary office organized the first-ever Screw-Up Night!
YYC Next is a group of CGI members under 35 that host an array of professional networking and social events throughout the year. The CGI team was very excited about this event, as it was the first event since YYC Next began, opening up to the complete Calgary office.
Here is the CGI mantra for this event: “Screw Up Night is designed to remove the veil of expectation that we all have, especially leaders, to perform all of their work perfectly. And who better to break up what might feel like our darkest times than the leaders we look up to right from our own office?
Failure can feel isolating and diminish our confidence in our abilities, regardless of the truth. With the right social support system built into a team, we can remove the stigma of failure in a safe environment and use these experiences to workshop strategies for preventing, mitigating, and resolving screw-ups.”
As part of Screw Up Night, all of the proceeds from the ticket sales that night went directly to The Immigrant Education Society (TIES), where they raised $1,500 dollars for TIES!
A big thank-you to the entire CGI team, especially the senior leaders, for sharing their “screw-ups” and working to remove the stigma attached to them.
The Immigrant Education Society (TIES) supports all of your efforts to showcase a supportive business environment and to make your team feel so comfortable being vulnerable. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous donation, which will help support new immigrant clients to find the right services and resources to succeed in their new homes in Calgary.
Get involved with TIES on our social media platforms.
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