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February 21, 2025
Hundreds of TIES students recently got a timely lesson in meal planning, dignified food access, safe food storage and climate change thanks to Green Calgary.
The Immigrant Education Society hosting two sessions of “Spill the Beans”, presented by Green Calgary’s Carolyn Kury de Castillo, to several in-person and online language classes. The students, many of whom have been in Canada a very short time, were especially excited to learn about how to get affordable, good food and incorporate it into their own cooking.
“We shared ideas about different recipes from their respective countries that contained affordable and healthy ingredients,” Kury de Castillo says.
“They also learned about where to access affordable groceries in Calgary, and we explored different options for transportation to and from the stores.”
Along with where to get “cheaper” groceries, Kury de Castillo also talked to the newcomers about how to make their own food. Tips included buying big bags of oats to make cereal or energy bars; dried beans and lentils to make multiple cultural dishes; and buying carrots, beets and other produce to pickle!
Kury de Castillo says not only do these methods help save money, but they also help reduce food waste – a huge and costly problem across the world and right here at home.
Again, she says not all food needs to go to waste, even if the label says so. Food labels don’t just list where the product comes from and how it was made, they can also advise when the food “expires”. Kury de Castillo points out that there is a big difference between “expired” and “best before” and knowing that difference is vital to reducing food waste.
Kury de Castillo says anyone can help change the amount of food waste and the emissions it causes with some “simple changes” – including composting leftovers.
Illustrating just how easy composting can be, she brought along a few friends – her composting box of worms – which one Columbian newcomer couldn’t resist rehoming!
“That was a wonderful presentation,” TIES LINC Intake Coordinator Kateryna Solimchuk said. “We have already received positive feedback from the students and the teachers.”
"Thanks to TIES for the invitation,” Kury de Castillo added. “It was a great way to learn from each other and help these folks with adapting to our amazing city and share information on ways we can save money and help fight climate change."
Green Calgary’s Spill the Beans presentation is made possible with support from The City of Calgary.
For more information visit: Spill the Beans : Green Calgary
Food Waste Facts:
Dignified Access To Food:
Media RSVP, Interviews & Inquiries:
Tomasia DaSilva
Media and Relationship Strategist
Email: tomasiadasilva@immigrant-education.ca
Phone: 403-291-0002
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