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SERVUS Credit Union Donates to TIES

February 7, 2025


Donation From SERVUS Makes a World of Difference

For the second year in a row, SERVUS Credit Union has generously donated to TIES to help the organization amplify its work in the community promoting multiculturalism. This year the funds will be going to support the Society’s upcoming Multicultural Sports Festival on June 27th, 2023.

“Supporting the communities where our members live and work is fundamental to our success. Through the hard work of people and organizations like The Immigrant Education Society (TIES), our communities and the people in them can grow and dream. It is our privilege as a credit union to support your initiative and help you achieve your goals.” – SERVUS

The upcoming 2023 TIES Multicultural Sports festival will bring together people from all cultures on June 27th, Canada’s official Multicultural Day. Through various sporting activities, the event will promote diversity and equity and celebrate Canadian society’s broad cultural fabric. The ceremonies at the festival will highlight the many different countries represented in Canada and provide a platform to demonstrate how sports can break down barriers and promote connections between communities.

By connecting with local community sports organizations from soccer to basketball to cricket, this festival will bring together people from varied ethnocultural groups to share their passion for their favourite sport and provide opportunities for all Calgarians to celebrate their heritage and show their pride and belonging in Canada.

TIES will collaborate with other immigrant-serving agencies, indigenous groups, cultural associations, and youth sports organizations to showcase the diversity of our community. Professional and amateur sports teams will also be involved in showcasing the talented individuals that may have been born outside of Canada that now take pride in representing their new homeland of Canada in their respective sports.

The ultimate goal of this Festival will be to advance Canadian multiculturalism’s values and strengthen community relationships by working to eliminate discrimination, racism and prejudice among diverse citizens.

Thank you to Ms. Anshu Narayan, SERVUS Market Manager in Calgary, and Ms. Lyzette Calderon, Branch Manager, for delivering the cheque to TIES.

See the good work that SERVUS is doing in the community through their social media channels:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/servuscu

Twitter: http://twitter.com/servuscu

Instagram: http://instagram.com/servusalberta/

(In the photo from L-R are Robert Toth, VP of Communications and Community Engagement at TIES, Ms. Narayan, Ms. Calderon, and Suman Khanal, Chief Program Officer at TIES.)

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