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Newcomers Remain Especially Vulnerable to Fraud and Scams

March 10, 2025


Canadians continue to lose hundreds of millions of dollars ($638M in 2024) to fraud and newcomers to Canada are not immune. In fact, according to numerous studies and first-hand reports to TIES (The Immigrant Education Society), newcomers are “especially vulnerable”.

“Our financial counselors often hear heartbreaking stories from their clients who have been scammed,” Noha El Tanahi, TIES Manager, Settlement & Financial Literacy said.  
“These stories can include individuals losing their entire life savings to investment scams, being tricked into fraudulent job offers that result in financial ruin or falling victim to identity theft leading to long-term financial challenges.”

El Tanahi added newcomers are unfortunately often “targeted by scammers” due to language barriers and/or their unfamiliarity with the financial system and regulations in a new country.  

The impact of being scammed, she said, is far-reaching.

“Being defrauded or scammed can have a significant impact on newcomers as they may (again) lose their hard-earned money, face legal troubles, or experience emotional distress,” she pointed out.  
“It is a big issue for newcomers because it not only affects them financially but also undermines their trust in the new environment they are trying to settle into.”

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Studies on Financial Fraud and Newcomers  

Again, numerous studies back these stories up.  

An Interac survey conducted in 2023 revealed seven-in-10 (70%) of new Canadians polled felt they were more susceptible to financial scams than the general population.  

More than half (53%) of newcomers said they and/or an immediate family member had been targeted by fraud, while more than half (55%) were very concerned about becoming a victim in the future.  

Only 22% of newcomers in the Interac survey strongly agreed they would know what to do if they were the victim of a financial scam.  

In addition, a TD survey in 2024 revealed that 90% of new Canadians polled said they were worried about financial fraud.  

Nearly three-quarters (73%) said they were more likely to feel vulnerable to being a target for financial fraud, and 28% said they did not know what to do if they became the victim of financial fraud. 

Fighting Back Against Scammers

However, these studies also found that building financial knowledge is a priority for newcomers.

The Interac survey found 73% of those polled wanted to learn how to protect themselves, and 83% recognized the value of financial management tools.

A Scotiabank poll conducted in January 2024 also revealed that newcomers to Canada were more proactive in employing fraud prevention strategies compared to other Canadian residents.  

Newcomers were 46% more likely to use password manager applications; 16% were more likely to frequently update their online account passwords, and 47% were more likely to regularly discuss financial security and fraud prevention within their communities.

“We educate our clients especially newcomers about common scams, learn how to seek guidance from reputable sources, and consult with financial counselors or advisors to protect themselves from falling victim to fraudulent schemes,” El Tanahi added.  
“Being aware of the latest scams and techniques that threat actors are using to commit fraud will help protect you and your clients against information theft and financial loss.”

Popular Tax Frauds  

Some of the latest tax scams reported to TIES include:

Fraud by the numbers

Additional Resources:


Canadian Bankers Association. (n.d.). Newcomer cyber safety toolkit https://cba.ca/article/newcomer-cyber-toolkit

Government of Canada. (n.d.). Fraud prevention for newcomers. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/newcomers.html

Interac Corp. https://www.interac.ca/en/content/news/interac-survey-shows-more-than-half-of-new-canadian-families-have-been-targeted-by-financial-fraud/?utm_source=chatgpt.com

Scotiabank https://scotiabank.investorroom.com/2024-02-22-New-Canadians-taking-stronger-measures-to-prevent-fraud-and-protect-their-money?utm_source=chatgpt.com

TD https://stories.td.com/ca/en/article/fraud-new-to-canada

Media RSVP, Interviews & Inquiries:

Tomasia DaSilva

Media and Relationship Strategist

Email: tomasiadasilva@immigrant-education.ca

Phone: 403-291-0002

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