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February 7, 2025
Uncertainty continues over the federal government’s recent announcement that it will be reducing immigration levels.
The Immigration Education Society (TIES) has been on the front lines helping newcomers since 1988. It provides 50+ programs and services and serves thousands of immigrants a year in Calgary and area.
President and CEO Sally Zhao says she hasn’t heard what the impact of the reductions will be but adds if cuts to funding are included, that could have a devastating impact. “We are concerned. We don’t want to see a correlation between the immigration number cut and the funding cut potentially.” Zhao said.
The federal government had targeted bringing in 500,000 new permanent residents in both 2025 and 2026. The new targets are set at:
TIES currently has a waiting list of approximately 2,000 clients for its various services. Zhao says limiting the number of immigrants into Canada could help the organization “catch up”, but only if the programs continue to be funded.
"If any funding gets cut, how can we accommodate the current clients, not to mention the waiting list?” Zhao questions.
Zhao says it’s important to remember that immigrant workers contribute “immensely” to Canada’s economy and this move could hurt a lot of businesses.
Calgary business owner Yadi Lupa strongly agrees.
Lupa immigrated to Calgary from Mexico City in 2008 and started running Cleaning Girl Trustworthy Services 13 years ago.
“Certain companies like mine, we depend on immigrants, so we’ll see how it goes but it’s a concern for sure,” she said.
Lupa says it’s important to have workers to fill every job in our city, and new immigrants are often the perfect candidates for certain jobs.
“This city keeps growing,” she points out. “As we expand, we need different kinds of layers in the workforce. Not all of them can be sitting behind a desk.”
The federal government’s move to reduce immigration targets comes after years of rapid increase to the number of new permanent residents in Canada. Many argue that has put pressure on housing and affordability.
Lupa argues the cuts could lead to a lack of affordability for her business.
“We can’t just raise our rates just because no one wants to work in these jobs, right?” she questions.
TIES says it will continue to offer its programs and services to all its clients as it “waits to see” what will happen.
Get involved with TIES on our social media platforms.
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