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Little Beginnings: Big Happenings at TIES Childcare Centre

February 7, 2025


Walk into Little Beginnings Urban Oasis Childcare Centre and it will feel like you’ve walked into another country. Several countries, in fact.

“If you step in any of our classrooms you will hear at least five to seven languages,” Childcare Centre Manager Raghda Abouelfetouh says.

That’s because more than 90 percent of the children at the centre are newcomers – immigrants to Canada. Helping them feel at home are a diverse group of teachers.

“You can find in every classroom, at least one of the teachers can speak the language of the children,” Abouelfetouh adds. “We’re very proud of that. We have diverse staff. Diverse children. “

Little Beginnings takes its first steps…

Little Beginnings Urban Oasis Childcare Centre started welcoming children in the Spring of 2024.

Operating at the TIES (The Immigrant Education Society) Welcome Centre in NE Calgary, it considers itself much more than “just a daycare”. It’s a community, one that provides affordable, high-quality and culturally rich childcare to all families regardless of origin, background, financial circumstances and most importantly, language.

“I would say language barriers is one of our top challenging things,” Abouelfetouh said.

To help break that barrier, teachers are always nearby, thanks to smaller teacher-to-child ratios. Every room has at least two educators with maximum of nine children. The maximum capacity rooms have 13 kids.

“It allows the educator to build this kind of connection so less challenging behaviours. More attention, more supervision.”

Going beyond childcare…

The centre also offers special tools and strategies -- going beyond reading, writing and arithmetic. It does Alberta’s Flight Curriculum Framework but also focuses on different, special experiences to help the children satisfy their needs.

It’s not unusual to see a room full of children singing and dancing as a part of music therapy or learning about becoming “Mad Scientists”.

“Our play is different. We’re following the children’s interests and their needs too. We’re trying to make every child feel comfortable, valued and seen. “ 

“In our childcare, we care about the whole development of the child. We’re not just a typical childcare with just alphabetics and numeracy. We work, of course, on all of this but our aim is the holistic development for the child.”

From beginning to now…

The centre is coming up on its first anniversary in March. It’s a BIG day for Little Beginnings and those who’ve supported its development from the beginning.

“As an immigrant myself, I know how overwhelming it is to start over, which is why TIES is committed to helping newcomers navigate this journey,” TIES Chief Programs Officer Suman Khanal says.

“Seeing children embrace multiculturalism, form friendships, and find a sense of belonging right from the start fills my heart with indescribable joy and pride. I truly hope every newcomer has the opportunity to access such services, making their settlement process smoother and easier.”

Next steps…

The full-time day program is currently full, with 29 children in care.

But Little Beginnings has addressed another big problem in Calgary – the lack of childcare availability on evenings and weekends. It has opened spots from 5 pm to 10 pm Monday-Friday and 8 am to 5 pm Saturday/Sunday - many of which are still available.

“Our main thing is to help and support our community and many families are requesting evening care,” Abouelfetouh points out. “I know, as a mom myself, lots of parents are looking for this extra care.”

“This has been a lifeline for parents working in industries such as healthcare, logistics, and communications - sectors essential to the Canadian economy,” Khanal adds. “Our support has not only enabled parents to build stable careers but has also helped employers meet labour demands.”

Speaking of parents, the centre also supports them through workshops on oral hygiene, dental care, vaccinations, and child well-being. Khanal says by equipping families with valuable knowledge, TIES has contributed to the health and development of children, ensuring they grow in a supportive and informed environment.

Watch: A Week at Little Beginnings Urban Oasis Childcare Centre

For more information about Little Beginnings Childcare Centre, click here.

Funding for the centre was made possible by the Government of Canada's Early Learning and Childcare Innovation Program and the Government of Alberta.

Media RSVP, Interviews & Inquiries:

Tomasia DaSilva

Media and Relationship Strategist

Email: tomasiadasilva@immigrant-education.ca

Phone: 403-291-0002

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