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February 28, 2025
It was a full house at the TIES (The Immigrant Education Society) Employer Appreciation & Networking Event on Feb. 26 at the Genesis Centre in Calgary.
700 job seekers registered for the event. Many of them so eager, they lined up early for a chance to network with 25 area employers.
“It was exactly what we had hoped for,” TIES Manager, Employment & Career Development Mayssoun Hniedi said.
“Some clients shared that they had on-the-spot interviews, which made their day. They felt that the employers were engaging and supportive, and that’s exactly the kind of meaningful interaction we strive for in events like this.”
Despite being geared toward immigrant youth, the event welcomed anyone struggling to find work in a very competitive environment.
Calgary has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and the jobless rate for newcomers is even higher.
“It is challenging. I’ve applied for so many jobs,” Apoorva Goshi said.
The 34-year-old from India, who is looking for an admin job, is now trying a different tactic — volunteering.
“If you want to start from somewhere, at least you can start with the volunteering. Get the references and start applying. “
Maysoun Ghannam is also willing to start from scratch.
“I’m just looking for any kind of job,” Ghannam pointed out.
The nurse from Lebanon has also hit some barriers looking for work in Canada. She said she’s willing to work anywhere, while she works towards getting her nursing certification here.
“I’m doing my best. I’m never losing hope that one day I’m going to get any job available.”
It’s that kind of “can-do attitude” that’s appealing to Torquil Paxton. He’s the president of Wheatland Trees out of Strathmore, Alberta.
He said there isn’t a “huge pool of employees to pull from” in his area and he’s grateful for these kinds of events.
“At 11 o’clock the doors opened and there was a flood of people,” he said. “I haven’t stopped talking.”
“I love newcomers. The best part about them is they’re eager to get into the workforce. They’re ready to go.”
Hniedi said employer partners play a crucial role in empowering newcomers and shaping their career paths, adding TIES is there to help.
Through the Empowering Youth through Employment (EYE) program, companies get access to skilled youth with minimal financial risk — thanks to a 12-week wage subsidy.
Her message to everyone at the event – thank you and don’t give up.
“To our incredible employer partners, thank you once again for your commitment to supporting newcomers’ successful integration,” Hniedi said.
“Your presence at this event, your willingness to engage with job seekers, and the opportunities you provide make a world of difference.”
“To all the job seekers who attended, I hope you walked away with at least one valuable conversation—one that helped you learn something new, gain confidence, or take another step forward in your job search,” she added.
“By simply showing up today, you’ve already taken an active step toward your career goals, and that’s something to be proud of. Keep going, stay persistent, and remember that we at TIES are here to support you with follow-ups, job search assistance, and additional resources.”
Funding for the event was made possible by the Government of Canada's Youth Employment and Skills Strategy.
TIES would also like to thank our media partners for their coverage of the event.
CITY NEWS: Calgary youth job fair sees high demand amid tight job market
GLOBAL NEWS: Employer Appreciation & Youth Networking Event
CBC NEWS: Employer Appreciation & Youth Networking Event (7:00 to 9:30)
Media RSVP, Interviews & Inquiries:
Tomasia DaSilva
Media and Relationship Strategist
Email: tomasiadasilva@immigrant-education.ca
Phone: 403-291-0002
Get involved with TIES on our social media platforms.
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