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Dr. Sally Zhao Awarded QE2 Platinum Jubilee Medal

February 7, 2025


Congratulations to Dr. Sally Zhao, TIES President and CEO,
On Your Distinguished Community Recognition

The Immigrant Education Society (TIES) is very proud to share the news that our President and CEO, Dr. Sally Zhao, was presented recently with the Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Medal (Alberta) for outstanding community work in service to all Albertans. Of course, we already knew the dedication and tremendous leadership that Sally brings to our community at TIES. Since taking on the Executive Director role in 2014, which has recently evolved to President and CEO, Sally has worked tirelessly to empower her staff and bring new ideas in service to new immigrants and the provinces vulnerable population. For those who have not had the opportunity to work with Sally, she brings empathy, professionalism, and dedication to her organization, to her sector colleagues, her family, her church, and the broader Calgary community and helps to elevate individuals and to make our society stronger and more compassionate.

The Jubilee medals were awarded recently by the Centre for Newcomers (CFN). Amazing Albertans were presented their medals by the Honourable Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Trade, Immigration & Multiculturalism. Alongside Sally, the other outstanding Albertans who were recognized included: Arlene Adamson ICD.D, Frank Cattoni, Anna Murphy, Esmahan Razavi, John Vardalos and CFN’s own Shamaila Akram, Harry Yee, Boban Stojanovic, and Dr. Kelly Ernst. TIES would like to congratulate all of these accomplished recipients.

The Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal (Alberta) was created in 2022 by the Government of Alberta through the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Recognition Act. The medal is being awarded to 7000 deserving Albertans through collaboration with provincial partners to ensure an equitable representation of all regions and all fields of endeavour. The Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal (Alberta) is a tangible way to publicly acknowledge the work and dedication of Albertans who are actively contributing to our province and country and to pay tribute to the example set by Her late Majesty throughout her lifetime. Congratulations Dr. Sally Zhao, we are all very proud of your accomplishments!

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