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Alumni Spotlight: TIES Entrepreneurship Program - Inspiring Success Stories

February 7, 2025


Meet Celestine Tshulu, Keyla Marmol, and Bianca Marinho, inspiring graduates of TIES Entrepreneurship Program who are making a difference in their communities. Discover their stories of resilience, innovation, and success.

Celestine Tshulu: Celo Mode Couture

Celestine Tshulu began her entrepreneurial journey as a seamstress and fashion designer in The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

But despite her years of experience back home, she faced many challenges once arriving in Canada in 1997. Two of the main obstacles -- learning a new language and finding a place to train her craft.

“The struggle was there,” she said. “But deep inside I just wanted to keep pursuing my passion. So, I started praying for guidance.”

Celestine said it took a while, but she eventually found a fashion college online and graduated in 2023.

Her mind set on setting up her own business she turned to TIES Entrepreneurship Program and said her dream is now “coming true”.

“Before TIES I was so scared to register my business. Thanks to the program, I got that confidence.”

Celestine has an unwavering commitment to excellence and personalized customer experiences.

This Inspiring Showcase will be her third.

‍‍Bianca Marinho: BeMyHR | Your Personal AI Recruiter

Bianca Marinho moved to Calgary in 2016 from Brazil with her husband and two children. She holds several titles: Engineer, Certified Project Manager Professional (PMP), Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and MBA.

But despite her impressive and extensive education and experience, the hurdles to succeed in Canada remained.

“I faced all challenges to find jobs as a newcomer, not to mention being a woman in tech,” she added. “Unfortunately, there is still a lot of bias!”

Still, she persevered and after years working for big corporations, Bianca reached out to TIES and the IWEP program for help and to start her own business consulting business. But she wanted more!

She’s now pursuing a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence (AI), hoping to help job seekers streamline their job search process.

“My husband is also from IT, and when I told him about the idea, he said, ‘This is crazy! It will be a lot of work specially on the backend,” she recounted. “My answer was, ‘So, this is exactly what I will do!”

BeMyHR has been in business for about 6 months and it’s growing faster than even she expected!

Keyla Marmol: Kainos Renovation

Keyla Marmol, from Venezuela, has more than two decades of experience in oil and gas.

She was handpicked in 2009 to relocate to Canada to lead the development of several technical processes at a O&G Manufacturing Company.

But, in 2022, Keyla embarked on an entrepreneurial journey co-founding Kainos Renovation with her spouse. Recently, she’s focused on the pressing issue of housing affordability -- becoming a dedicated advocate for affordable housing.

She firmly believes that a significant stride towards alleviating this crisis lies in offering valuable education to newcomers.

That commitment has led her to co-found a non-profit social enterprise, bringing together experts to teach attendees the processes that will lead them to homeownership.

“My actions are fueled by a deep-seated desire to give back to Canada, the country I now proudly call home,” Keyla said.

Keyla says the TIES Entrepreneurship Program/NIWBE has been instrumental in her journey as an immigrant woman entrepreneur, providing her with invaluable resources and support to address the unique challenges she faced.


On November 30, 2024, TIES is hosting the Inspiring Showcase 2024: Christmas Edition at Platform Calgary. This festive event features TIES entrepreneurs in a Christmas market, pitch competition, and much more. A total of 28 booths will showcase businesses specializing in fashion, beauty products, coaching, education, food, renovations, tech, and more! Free entry! Click here to register!


The Integrated Women’s Entrepreneurship Project (IWEP) is a free 9-week online program offered by TIES to diverse and traditionally underserved women entrepreneurs in Alberta to start, establish, or grow a business. This program is designed for women entrepreneurs who have a strong business idea in place or are actively operating an existing business. To learn more about IWEP, click here.

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