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February 7, 2025
The Immigrant Education Society’s (TIES) 2024 RESP Sign-Up Event is in the books and, it was another resounding success.
More than 250 newcomer and Calgary families attended the Nov. 20th event, and many walked away with RESPs (Retirement Education Saving Plan) and other investment accounts and advice.
“With 258 attendees, we were able to create a valuable experience for all involved,” Noha El Tanahi, TIES Acting Manager of Settlement Services said. We are pleased with the positive feedback from the financial institutions as they found the event to exceed their expectations."
The sign-up event was a one-stop experience for families and individuals, allowing them to connect with a variety of financial experts — empowering them to make informed financial decisions.
“Securing a quality education for their children is a dream for immigrant (and all) parents,” El Tanahi pointed out. “However, newcomers when they come to Canada are not aware of all the services available to them.”
El Tanahi said the entire process can be daunting due to misconceptions and a lack of education and this event simplified the process.
Attendee and mom Alemtsehay Worku agreed, adding she was grateful for the information provided and the opportunity to provide a better future for her 7-year-old daughter.
“I can save money for her now so she can go to school,” she said. “It’s really nice.”
Stephania Silva attended to find out how to save money for her own education. She walked away with an appointment for a TFSA (Tax Free Saving Account).
“It was super easy for me because they give me all the information and I have an appointment so my money can grow,” she said. “It’s super cool because I didn’t know about this.”
Partners at the event included major financial institutions (ATB Financial, BMO, CIBC, National Bank of Canada, RBC, Scotiabank, Servus Credit Union, and TD), Service Canada, and the Canada Revenue Agency.
ENMAX was also onsite to provide tips on saving money on utilities and AIMGA (Alberta International Medical Graduates Association) was on hand to provide information on vaccines.
El Tanahi also said the very busy event could not have happened without the hard work from her dedicated team alongside the TIES LINC, Employment, Healthy Minds, Communications, and Operations teams.
The TIES RESP sign-up event has been held since 2012 and is part of the organization’s financial literacy program.
TIES would like to thank Global News Calgary, CBC Calgary and CBC Alberta for their media coverage of this event.
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